Sciberras Advocates launches ‘Identitas’ Guidebook

Sciberras Advocates, a leading immigration law firm in Malta, is proud to announce the launch of its comprehensive guidebook, Identitas. This invaluable resource is designed to be used as a guide on anything immigration in Malta, but mainly to simplify the process, ensuring that one has clear, comprehensive, and accessible information at the fingertips.

The Latin word ‘Identitas’ encapsulates the essence of Sciberras Advocates’ mission. Beyond simply navigating legal processes, the firm is dedicated to safeguarding and celebrating the unique identities of everyone it serves. Identitas is not merely a guidebook; it is a testament to the firm’s commitment to providing clear, accessible information and personalised service throughout the immigration and employment journey for third country nationals in Malta.

Identitas offers a comprehensive overview of the various procedures that third-country nationals encounter when seeking work permits, changing employment, pursuing family reunification, and more. By breaking down complex legal processes into manageable steps, the guidebook empowers individuals to take control of the processes involved.

Key features of Identitas include detailed instructions for navigating the single permit application process, renewals, employer changes, and more including information on highly qualified individuals, part-time permits, and family member policies. It gives insights and guidelines on health screenings procedures, insurance, skills passes, and other vital aspects of the immigration process.

As a distinguished law firm in Malta specialising in immigration, we handle numerous procedures for third-country nationals related to work permits, change of employment, family reunification, appeals and more.

A digital copy of Identitas is available for download here:

This article is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

Article written by Ms Charlene Sciberras, B.A. (Hons), guest writer, is a marketing and business administration specialist with a special focus on corporate, accounting, and legal matters.

Sciberras Advocates founded by Dr Adrian Sciberras, is a law firm based in Malta. The firm prides itself to be multi-disciplinary, innovative and flexible in order to meet the changing times and any challenges in the local and international legal scenario. No matter what private or corporate complex demands are called for, Sciberras Advocates offers practical and cost-effective legal solutions to achieve your desired results. You may reach Sciberras Advocates by phone on +35627795222 or via email on [email protected].

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